Earth intelligence

Data generated by Kermap helped illustrate the richness of our area's natural heritage while promoting our public action

Fabienne Mordellet

Pays de Saint-Brieuc land planning authority (PETR)

We were satisfied with Kermap's responsiveness and ability to interact with all parties involved in the project.

Pauline Pistre

Nice Ecovallée

Working with Kermap facilitated the comparison between historic and newly extracted data. The diversity of sources helped the regional nature park establish a reliable geographic dataset.

Alexandre Crochu

Gulf of Morbihan's Regional nature park

Our platforms


Earth map and time machine
Presentation of the platform

Nos Villes Vertes

Trees and the city


Urban vegetation and climate change around the world

Our expertise

Data production

Airborne and satellite imagery processing through innovative IA models

Geospatial analytics

Satellite data interpretation, modeling of human and natural dynamics

Data visualization

Easy access to actionable geographic information through our interactive maps, dashboards and platforms

About Kermap

Six years into existence, our technologies to process satellite and airborne imagery have demonstrated their reliability and efficiency. Discover our story, our savoir-faire and the many public and private customers or partners who trust our solutions.

More readings

Kermap News

Nov 04, 2022

Kermap completes first fundraising round to accelerate and fuel international expansion

Kermap takes a new step in its development with this operation supported by Sodero Gestion and NGO Earthworm Foundation

Antoine Lefebvre, PDG de Kermap, lors de la cérémonie French Tech DeepNum20
Kermap News

Oct 28, 2022

Kermap wins French Tech Deep excellence program DeepNum20

Kermap enters La French Tech's new excellence program gathering the 20 most promising deeptechs developing disruptive technologies.